23rd LD Democrats
Who We Are:
The 23rd Legislative District Democrats are your neighbors. America is at a crossroads, and we have an obligation to choose the right path. By working together, we can protect our families, invest in our communities, and leave a better world for our children.
The mission of the 23rd LD Democrats is to create an environment that fosters progressive ideals, where people from rural areas of Northern Kitsap County to the urban areas of Bainbridge Island, Central Kitsap and Bremerton can meet their neighbors, stimulate community involvement, become informed about issues and contribute by taking an active role in campaigns that affect us all.
Meetings, Events and Committees
23rd LD Democrats General Meeting
Monthly meeting the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Meeting locations vary. Go to www.kitsap23rd.com/events for details.
Contact 23rd LD Chair email
Kitsap Democratic Women
Young Democrats of Kitsap County
Claire Fowler, Chair
Email | Facebook
Kitsap County Democrats
General meeting 3rd Monday at 6:30 pm location varies
Website www.kitsapdemocrats.org
Face Book https://www.facebook.com/kitsapcountydemocrats/
Become a PCO
Precinct Committee Officer
Precinct Committee Officers (informally known as a ‘PCO’) are a building block of the Democratic Party in Kitsap County and Washington state. They are the grassroots organizing base for all Democratic Party activities.
Precinct Committee Officers play an important role in electing Democrats. It’s their job to get to know their neighbors, educate undecided or swing voters, and make sure Democrats are registered to vote. Before Election Day, they work to turn out voters. They are the grassroots organizing base for all Democratic Party activities.
Current Precinct Committee Officers are completing their 2-year term this year. New terms will begin December 1, 2023. An interim PCO can be appointed before the next election. Click here for the PCO Handbook.
Precinct Committee Officers have the following basic responsibilities:
- Know the voters in your precinct. Figure out which are Democrats and which are Republicans. Find out what issues motivate your neighbors and make sure all that information is available to local parties and campaigns.
- Coordinate with campaigns in educating voters and generating interest in the election on behalf of candidates and ballot measures.
- Attend legislative district and county organization meetings. Make sure the voices of voters in your precinct are heard in local party decisions.
- Nominate candidates for office in partisan races. The State Party’s Rules for Nominations give local Precinct Committee Officers the power to choose the party’s nominees.
- Participate in the appointment process when vacancies occur in partisan offices. When a vacancy occurs, Precinct Committee Officers choose which candidates are submitted to the county council for appointment.
- Chair your precinct caucus during presidential election years under the direction of your local party chair.