We embrace inclusion, respect and fairness in all our actions. North Kitsap Indivisible is a Huddle associated with the national Indivisible group. North Kitsap Indivisible is committed to fight for social justice and to maintain civil liberties by demanding that our local Members of Congress serve as our voice in Washington D.C.
Meetings: We will resume regular in-person meetings when it is safe to gather. In the meantime, we have meeting and events via zoom.
Postcarding is an ongoing action. We supply the addresses, postcards and stamps. We just need your time to support candidates in sister-districts. Email NorthKitsapIndivisible@gmail.com to get invlolvedl
Email: NorthKitsapIndivisible@gmail.com
Facebook: NorthKitsapIndivisible
Twitter: twitter.com/NKIndivisible/
Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/guq1cv