A couple of weeks ago I read a letter to the editor of the Kitsap Sun (which I can’t find or else I would link to it) encouraging people to let their local government officials (Mayors, Councilpeople, etc.) know that they support the imposition of COVID vaccine and/or testing mandates.
This is a good idea because if ever the moniker “silent majority” applied, it’s to the 60+ percent of Americans who do indeed favor mandates.
Unfortunately, there is a small but extremely vocal nutbag fringe with breathtaking amounts of free time to picket outside City Council, Health Department, and other meetings, which the press is unfortunately unable to resist covering way more extensively than is probably merited.
I had some free time this afternoon and so I decided to dash off a note to my Mayor to let them know how I felt. Their response: “Thank you! Yes, we are being deluged with emails objecting to vaccinations. It was refreshing to get your email. I support vaccination.”
Politicians can read polls as well as anybody, but it has to be a shot in the arm, and add some steel to the backbone when constituents reach out specifically to let them know that they are in favor of mandates. So please consider doing so.