There’s a tension between actually engaging in real activism–showing up at town halls, marches, legislative public comment sessions, phoning your reps etc, and indulging in so-called “keyboard warrior” or “armchair activism”, and so let’s get that out of the way right off the bat. It is possible to spend your whole day fretting, surfing social media & yes–listening to podcasts. So we should all be on the lookout for activities that sap our energies to no good effect rather than add to them.
That said–it’s also important to stay informed and if you’re like me, a big part of that is listening to podcasts. Here are some of my favorites.
Amicus with Dahlia Lithwick
If you’re at all interested in the federal courts, it’s hard to beat the analysis, interviews and basic decency of Slate’s Amicus podcast. She and cohost Mark Joseph Stern will keep you well apprised of goings on at the SCOTUS.
Post Reports with Martine Powers
The Washington Post’s daily news podcast strikes a wonderful balance between breadth and depth, keeping you up to date on the national news.
Deep State Radio with David Rothkopf
Ostensibly this is a foreign-policy focused podcast, which if I’m honest–I never thought I would find much interest in. But Rothkopf–a former Clinton administration official–and his excellent guests cover such diverse topics as COVID-19 response, federal law enforcement (with special focus on holding the prior administration accountable for its crimes) and yes–even foreign policy in such an entertaining way, you don’t even mind learning things. Find it at the Deep State Radio Network site.