
October 2nd Bainbridge Island and Poulsbo will Mobilize and Defend Our Reproductive Rights and Freedoms!

Email with questions or if you want to help organize or get your name on the list to march! Or just show up.

On October 2, BINKI (Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap Indivisible) is Mobilizing and Defending Reproductive Rights along with the rest of the nation! We’re marching ahead of the Supreme Court reconvening on October 4.

Join BINKI at the following locations:

10 am to 11:30 am at Waypoint Park on Bainbridge Island. Contact Holly at [email protected] to help organize or general questions.
1 pm to 2:30 pm in Poulsbo at the intersection of Hwy 305 and NE Liberty Rd neat the Poulsbo Fire Station. Contact Carollynn to volunteer or questions at [email protected]

Bring your signs and your determination. Wear you Handmaid attire if you have it or borrow one of ours. We need to stop the Texas Taliban before the disease spreads to other states.

The following groups are marching and organizing a national call to mobilize and defend our reproductive rights on October 2nd: Women’s March and more than 90 other organizations, including National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Planned Parenthood, SHERO Mississippi, Mississippi in Action, Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, The Frontline, Working Families Party, and SisterSong,

Take the Pledge to March at
Click here for the FB Event listing

Read this from the Womxns March