Support HB 1148 Protecting patients in acute care hospitals
Establishes penalties for hospitals that fail or refuse to comply with state licensing standards, including civil fines and stop placements. It allows the Department of Health to adopt a methodology to fund expenditures associated with enforcement activities.. For an easy way to support this bill, click here.
Support HB 1160 ‘Health provider contracts’
HB 1160 An Act Relating to Health Provider Contracts will prevent some of the more egregious ways that very large healthcare networks form monopolies. These huge healthcare monopolies cover large geographic areas and control hospitals and patient care leading to enormous increases in cost and decreases in quality of care. This bill will also make a violation actionable under our State’s Consumer Protection Act. For an easy way to support this bill click here.
Support HB 1411 (Health care workforce)
Sign in “Pro” to the Senate Health & Long Term Care’s Public Hearing
Structural inequities and biases in the criminal justice system put Black, Indigenous and people of color at greater risk of criminal charges. Washington currently restricts most people with criminal charges from becoming home care providers, with no pathways to enter the workforce. Therefore, when seeking long-term care, Black, Indigenous and people of color are less likely to find caregivers in their own community, and when seeking employment, they are more likely to be barred from the workforce. Addressing these barriers to care and employment has never been more urgent. The health consequences of COVID-19 and economic instability caused by the pandemic has hit Black, Indigenous and communities of color the hardest. Click here to sign in Pro
Support HB 1424 Sale of dogs and cats
Sign in “Pro” to the Senate Business, Financial Services & Trade’s Public Hearing
HB 1424, Concerning consumer protection with respect to the sale of dogs and cats, also known as the “Humane Pet Sales Bill”, has a hearing on March 23rd in the Senate policy committee. Please sign in Pro on this bill.. Click here for the easy-peasy action.
Support SB 5068 ‘Postpartum period/Medicaid’ in Executive Session
Please call (360) 786-7946 or email Timm Ormsby, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, with the following message: “I’m asking that you support SB 5068: Improving maternal health outcomes by extending coverage during the postpartum period. Please ensure it gets a vote in the upcoming executive session. Thank you, [NAME] from [CITY].” Click here for more information and to find out if your Representative is on the Appropriations Committee for you to contact with the same message!